Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Summer disaster

Mitchita had the most boring life ever! Nothing ever happened in New Braunfels, Texas. She just went to school, did homework, and go to church, like every other teenager in her town. But soon her boring life would be over. Besides, you have to do at least something fun over summer vacation. Usually Mitchita just slept in and did absolutely nothing, but when she came home from the second to last day of school, her parents had some news. She was about to have the summer she would remember.
"Mitchita, we're going on a cruise through Cuba! Your father and I already bought the tickets, but we wanted to surprise you. Isn't it thrilling?" her mother announced.
"Are you kidding!! AAHH! Oh wow it's gonna be so fun! I can't wait. Too bad it's only a seven day cruise though," Mitchita said, but would later regret it.
The next morning, the last day of school, was so distracting for Mitchita. All she could think about was their summer cruise. Finally, the last bell rang. She gave her friends swift hugs and plopped into her mom's car. Since she was an only child, they had plenty of room to put the luggage. They headed straight from the school to the Austin airport. As soon as they arrived at the big cruise boat, Mitchita's jaw dropped. It was amazing! The ship had skeet shooting, five Olympic pools, three Jacuzzis, and a whole lot more! After a day of running around, eating, swimming, and tanning, Mitchita headed to her suite. She had the window bed. She sat there, looking through the small porthole at the royal blue sky and raining drizzle. Soon the drizzle turned to drops, splashes, and finally, pouring rain accompanied by ear shattering thunder and violet lighting. Her parents were asleep so she decided to sneak off and grab a snack from the hall snack machine. She crept out into the dark hallway and just about when she was going to press the button, the boat tilted.
"AAAAHHH! HELP!" Mitchita screamed as she tumbled out the hallway onto the soaking deck. She tried to grip the pole next to the pool but her cold fingers barely missed. She hit the pole protecting the edge of the boat but the strong wind turned a flag and the pole hit her on the head. Her eyelids slit shut as she slid to the ice cold, swirling ocean. She was roughly thrown around in the ocean until she hit cold sand.
The next morning, her salty eyes opened to see the pink and gold sun rising and calm waves sweeping over the warm sand. She got up and looked around. She was clearly alone on an uninhabited island. She decided to look around anyway. She was regretting not grabbing a jacket before leaving her room. It would be cold at night. All she was wearing was her orange bikini bathing suit under some shorts and a thin tank top. If she was lucky, she could be saved before night. As she searched through the exotic palm trees with creamy coconuts, shimmering pools, and the rest of the small, sunny island, an idea struck her mind. She could do the rescue signal that is known around the world! All Mitchita needed was some dry twigs, some oil or paper and a clear sky. She had two of those. How could she acquire paper? She suddenly remembered, she had her papers to go to Cuba and some school notes in her shorts. Were they really worth wasting? Yes, she decided she would burn her two pages of crinkly, damp school notes and save the other papers for in case the fire burnt out. After two hours of strenuous effort to start a fire she got a spark. "Yes! Finally!"she was so excited, she didn't see the mighty wave heading for her. "Dang it!" the much worked for spark dissolved. But Mitchita was not out of ideas. An S.O.S sign would be perfect! Plus, she had plenty of large furry coconuts. Sunset was almost there when she finished her sign. She decided to go look around. She walked a few steps before hearing annoying squawks. She knew this sound, seagulls. She got there too late. The hungry birds scattered the coconuts. Mitchita was on the verge of tears. She ran into the forest not looking, just rubbing her eyes and sobbing. BAM! She ran smack into a tall tower, obviously hidden by trees. She recognized this. Right before she figured it out, she felt a vibrate. She looked in her pocket to find her phone, safe and dry in it's waterproof twenty nine dollar case! It only vibrates like that when it had reception. "Are you kidding me?!" she couldn't decide if she was angry or thrilled. "Of course, this could only happen to me," Mitchita said.


  1. I LOVE your llama!!!
    Keep blogging, I love your randomness Mia!

  2. Wow, what a vividly descriptive story! Isn't it crazy how tragedy can occur from a simple act like getting a late night snack?! Well done. Proofread!

  3. I love your new background, Mia!
    ~Mrs. A
