Friday, May 28, 2010

Roll out those....

LAZY, hazy, C-R-A-Z-Y days of summer!!! :D

Monday, May 24, 2010

Meagan, Audrey, Ashley, Helana, and Gracen's blogs are amazing! I just read their Middle school posts and they were wonderful and made me think of the good and bad times we had together! Keep being outstanding and have a great summer! I love you guys so so soo much!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

A trip down Middle school lane

Okay, I doubt any adults forget their Middle School experience. It is the most dramatic and interesting period of my life so far. I might be only thirteen, but I have been through strange times. Sixth grade, the good old days when all the girls were two-faced and we loved and hated each other. Seventh grade, the present days where everyone acts like weirdoes behind the teachers. And, of course, the grade that awaits me, Eighth grade. I love my friends so much. They are like strange sisters that are creepy and who make stupid mistakes, but, of course, that's why I love them. Because I am one too! Oh and who can be a teenager girl without guys? Uh, NO ONE! Come on, we have all had a crush at least once. I think boys are stupid, but we love them. The food pyramid for teenagers are chips, chocolate, pizza, ice cream, slushes, and of course, soda! Don't even get me started on drama! Whoa buddy, it's like drama street in this place! Girls fighting, guys fighting, and yes, even girls and guys fighting. I love everybody at this school but, come on, we are so much better than this. Be ready to take a trip down my memory lane of insaneness starting from the beginning of this year. Pop some popcorn and pull out some candy and sit back, relax, and enjoy the fun of seventh grade.
The first day of school was....nerve racking I guess. I was so nervous, but I don't know why. I expected to see new students and teachers, and yes I did. I don't remember that much, besides smiling at tanned faces and complimenting new hairstyles. I wasn't too surprised though because I saw some friends at volleyball camp. But I was surprised in science! Last year, well we didn't exactly learn much but this year, we had info shoved down our throats. We skipped sixth and seventh grade science and went straight to eighth grade science. A couple months later was my birthday! I had my thirteenth birthday party and it was great until an anonymous friend rocketed on my other friend accidentally and she sprained her arm but it wasn't too mushed.
A really good memory was at my friend Ashley's birthday party right after Christmas. We went to the mall on a scavenger hunt! We ran around in prom dresses competing with each other by doing really strange things like playing duck-duck-goose, crazy makeovers, staring contests, and singing on the radio as we dressed each other with Victoria's Secret items! It was so insane but I loved it. I love hanging out with my friends anytime.
Then again, life isn't all fun and games. It has it's ups and downs, thick and thins, and drama and peace. I have witnessed fights in between best friends and life changing choices having to be made. One of the scariest things was when my friend was being, I guess blackmailed. It scared all of us but it was over after a little bit. Another awful incident was when Miranda got kicked in the head by her horse. She thought it was hilarious, but we were on the other side of the phone freaking out. I thought she was either gonna die or be mentally retarded. Luckily, neither happened! Well, she was a little bit of the second one already. :) Just kidding, I love you Miranda! But those were a couple scary incidents this year.
Actually, with me there wasn't much drama at all. I did get sick quite a lot this year. :/ Speaking of which, I don't exactly feel great right now! But I usually get sinus infections all the time. Right now isn't the best time to be sick though. Why you ask, well I'm kinda in a play, and well, we have a show tomorrow! It is actually the Wizard of Oz. I am a Jitterbug/Tree #1/Oz Chorus. It is very fun except for the late practices that go until ten. But it is a great experience to go through with my friends and family.
I experienced some really peculiar things this year. One day, when I spent the night with Miranda, we were about to go out a door, when she dropped her phone and the back came off and a COCKROACH POPPED OUT of it. It scared us, but Mrs. Margie saved us. Another weird thing that happened was when I went to the rodeo with Gracen. We went to see Foreigner, an oldie but a goodie, as Gracen's mom called him. We sat down, not knowing anyone around us because her mom was a few rows up. We were screaming and junk when this drunk Russian lady pulled my hair and started talking to us, telling us not to smoke and that the boys used to love her when she played songs for them. WHAT THE HECK?! Yeah, it was really weird.
I had some good times this year at NBCA. I love hanging out with my friends in art and grammar class. I'm going to miss everybody next year though. I'm definitely gonna stay in touch and visit them. I still can't believe we are going to eighth grade then high school!! Next year, I could get my driver's permit! That is a weird thought. I feel like we are getting old really fast but I'm just enjoying the ride. It's insane to see what's gonna happen everyday, but whatever happens, I can always use a cup of lemonade. Or just use life's lemons as a weapon for people's eyes. :) Some people say I'm weird and a spaz, but whatever, their loss! I'm enjoying my hyperness.
In conclusion, Middle school is super fun. I love my friends, teachers, and family. I love being myself, even if I don't fit in. I will always remember the fun times in life, and ignore the bad. I wish I could repeat some things about this year. I remember the laughs I laughed and the tears I cried, but I could never forget my friends. I think people who laugh are healthier and wrinklier than other people, but only because they smiled too much. :) Middle school is a scary yet interesting experience that I'm ready to conquer.

Texas and bipolar weather

I love Texas and all but the weather is insane. It can be the middle of summer and you're enjoying a cool glass of lemonade and then all of a sudden, it starts to sprinkle, then rain! But that's not the weird thing. The weird thing is the sun is out the whole time and the rain keeps starting and stopping. Or if it is during January, it starts sleeting or snowing but the next day it's nice and comfortable and you don't even need a jacket. Well I've seen strange weather many times. Like the other day I was heading to Colorado and it was burning up in South Texas but in Amarillo it started lightning, not raining. During the night, TWENTY-FIVE tornadoes passed us during the night and we didn't even notice. It was insane. On Friday, everyone was freaking out about tornadoes but it stopped raining and the sky was greenish yellow before and after the storm. And these are just some strange happenings in the large state that I love.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

The Ballad of the Mr. Chung and the orange babies

The Ballad of the Oranges

Mr. Chung was a happy, single father orange who had five children. They lived a simple life on a pantry shelf belonging to a kind Japanese chef. His wife died when giving birth to the tiny orange babies. But he did not mope around about it. Instead, he just told stories to his children all day. They loved their life until the day of the annual Japanese festival.
The Japanese festivals were beautiful and bright. All the dragon kite makers made a whole bunch of sparkling kites along with the little families cooking homemade meals. But to make the festivals complete, they needed the fat chefs to bake some delicious treats. Everyone knew what amazing things the village chef could create. He made thick coconut cream pie with sweet crust, the most amazing cookies, and of course, his orange cream meringue pie. He refused to sell it and only made one pie a year, for he loved oranges. He knew he would have to use the orange family, which saddened him deeply. He had to tell them, soon.
"You will never guess what happened next. He-" Mr. Chung was interrupted when he heard the chef open the door.
"Sorry to interrupt, but I have sad news. I have to make you into my pie for the festival. I have to do it tonight. I am terribly sorry, but it's my duty," the kind chef left the oranges to mourn.
"NOOOO! EEEYYYEEEYYI! WAAAHHAA!" Mr. Chung and his children cried. They did not want to be eaten and wasted. They cried their citrus tears, and sniffed. "Wait," Mr. Chung stopped crying,"This is a good thing. We get to be made into a beautiful pie and be loved by the people. We shall be heroes! Come on, cheer up. It will be okay. It always gets ugly before it gets pretty," Mr. Chung said. A couple hours later, the chef came back with a bowl and other ingredients. He started by gently peeling the oranges. Next, he mixed the blended juicy orange with cream and vanilla. Lastly, he put the beautiful pie in the oven. At first, Mr. Chung and his children enjoyed the warm oven but then, it got really hot. The top of the pie turned golden and the inside got nice and soft. It hurt a little, but afterward, that pie was extraordinary. The chef carried the fresh baked pie to his stand at the festival. It was almost midnight and the fireworks lit up the rich, dark sky. Slice, after slice, the pie was gone. But it was his choice, Mr. Chung wanted to make a sacrifice to make others happy. Besides, the liked the new view of the inside of a tummy and made some nice friends in there.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

More questions and answers

1. Who has pictures of themselves on their blogs?
Miranda, Shelby, Aaron and Miles, Audrey, Meagan, Hannah Baker, Mia(me), and Katelyn have pictures of themselves.

2. Who wrote, "I am working towards a better walk with God and trusting Him will help me to trust others again too," on her blog?
Kristin wrote those words!

3. Who learned contemporary dance this year?
Hannah Baker has learned that dance this year.

4. "To live this life I need a heartbeat. To have a heartbeat I need a heart. To have heart I need happiness. To have happiness I need you." Whose blog shares these heartfelt words?
Shelby shares those heartfelt words!

5. How many blogs have posted polls? Of the polls that have been posted, which is your favorite?
I found about eight and I like Hannah Head's the best because she always updates them and they are so random!

Questions and answers

1. Whose blog has a Beatles header?
Annemarie has a Beatles header.

2. Who wrote about influences?
Helana wrote about influences.

3. Who has a summer count down clock posted on their blog? Hint: There's more than one.
Audrey and Mrs. Anzures have countdowns.

4. Who is going to own who on the basketball court?
Roger thinks he's going to own Hunter, but Hunter thinks he's going to own Roger.

5. Who has been to Cancun?
Michael has been to Cancun.

6. Who has a cousin that plays in the NFL?
Ben Snoga's cousin plays in the NFL.

7. Who is flyguy899?
It is Arthur Johnson.

8. How many blog pages have PacMan available to play?
I found two pages available.

9. Who has movie trailers available for viewing at the click of a the mouse?
Stephen Oaks has movie trailers.

10. Whose blog title is a "Sound of Music" song?
Kateln Abraham's blog is the song title.

11. Who has played "Jazz Band Jubilee" this school year?
Lauren has played that this year.

12. Who wrote in a blog post, "You don't forgive people because you are weak, you forgive people because you are strong enough to know how to."
Helana Anzures wrote those amazing words.

13. Frederick is...?
He is Hannah Head's turtle.

14. Who wrote, "Make Your Words Come To Life With Vivid Description," on their blog?
Mrs. Anzures wrote those words.

15. Who is Chancho?
Chancho is Gracen's llama.

16. Which band or artist pops up most on the 500 most popular albums and songs list?
The Beatles pop up.

17. What colors are the pentagram?
Blue, pink, green, and red are the colors.

18. Who's going to cheerleading camp this summer?
Meagan is going to camp this year.

19. How many blogs have Justin Bieber playing on their playlist?
I have counted ten so far.

20. Pickles Gone Wild wants you to feed what?
She probably wants us to feed her fish or pig.